me to Crook Log Primary School
- Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to warmly welcome you to Crook Log Primary school as you join us for the first time or as prospective parents. As always that welcome is extended to those families who already have a long-standing partnership with us.
The community of Crook Log has a special 'feel' about it and many visitors comment on the positive ethos and friendly atmosphere they encounter as they come through our doors coupled with the exciting and creative learning environment for all, found wherever they look.
Pat Barratt | Headteacher

Our Vision
In a calm, caring and secure environment Crook Log Primary School endeavours to provide children with the confidence and skills to achieve a high standard in all areas of school life.
Our Values
We want children to be able to aspire to great heights, unafraid to tackle new challenges as they become citizens of the future. We want our pupils to positivelyBELIEVE IN A BRIGHT FUTURE
Life at Crook Log School
- “Crook Log is a wonderful school with wonderful members of staff. My child is ready to leave year 6 as a confident, educated, kind boy who has been given the tools and confidence ready for his next chapter of secondary school. My daughter will be starting in Reception in September and she is very excited. I know she will have a fabulous experience of school just like her older brother. Thank you to everyone at Crook Log school you really are super heroes without capes!”
Year 6 Parent - “My oldest child has been at Crook Log for 3 years now and I think its a lovely school. The teachers are all very nice, they do lots for the children, there's a lovely PTA who also do so much for the school. I feel like all the teachers are passionate about their job and care about the children.”
- 'I would like to pass on my thanks and congratulations to all of the year 6 children. Everyone single child we spoke to this morning at the coffee morning, and there were a lot, was cheerful, happy and polite. I know lots of them were quite nervous but they should be proud of themselves. I enjoyed chatting to each and every one. They did themselves, their parents, teachers and school proud. They are such great representatives for Crook Log.'
- “Crook log have been fantastic with my daughter especially the SENCO team they have been an amazing support system for me and my daughter. They have gone above and beyond and I am so grateful to them all.”
In Numbers
Children -
Families -
Staff Members -