Health and Wellbeing
We believe in a brighter future.
Crook Log Primary School seeks to ensure that every member of the community can ‘believe in a brighter future.’ We are all aware that positive mental health is the key to believing and achieving and we are committed to ensuring that an ethos of positive mental health is at the heart of everything we do.
At Crook Log Primary School, we set our reputation on the strength of our pastoral care. Crook Log has a caring ethos and environment and we understand the importance of wellbeing for both our staff and children. We understand wellbeing culture as a place where people can feel safe, happy and can thrive. We clearly define our culture and vision, making it clear what behaviours, values and beliefs underpin it.
We foster a culture of teamwork and trust: working with each other, the school community and most importantly with the young people in our school to feel valued, to be open about their health and wellbeing and know how to access support if they need it.
Our values, behaviours and golden rules are regularly referred to throughout the school day and are an intrinsic part of our behaviour policy which focuses on positive reinforcement.
crook log mental health policy.pdf
Lead Staff members:
Pat Barratt- Head Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Claire Hollidge- Deputy Head Teacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Mental Health Lead Teacher
Helen Beechinor- Inclusion Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Laura Cullinane- Learning Mentor and Mental Health First Aider.
Jo Jupp- PSHE Lead

Health and Wellbeing
At our school, we:
- Help children to understand their emotions and feelings better. This includes providing extra support for pupils with SEND such as Zones of Regulation to support them with recognising their emotions.
- Provide an environment where children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries.
- Promote self- esteem and ensure children know that they are valued.
- Help children to form and maintain relationships.
- Give children a voice regarding wellbeing issues and for individual children regarding the support that they receive.
- Encourage children to be confident and unique.
- Help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks.

How do we support children’s mental health and wellbeing at Crook Log Primary School?
Universal support- In every class, activities are planned into the timetable regularly that will support mental health e.g outdoor learning activities, completing the daily mile, art and mindfulness. All classes discuss issues relating to mental health and wellbeing as part of the PSHE curriculum. All classes have a check in board so children are able to show how they are feeling and staff are able to check in with those children who need it. Classes have worry boxes and calm down areas within them.
Peer support- Our Wellbeing Champions meet regularly to discuss wellbeing initiatives and events to support our children. They act as mentors to the younger children throughout the school by being good listeners, play leaders and positive role models.
Additional support- Some children may need extra support on top of what they receive in class. These children may visit Mrs Cullinane for a specific group intervention such as work on self- esteem or friendship. Other children might receive regular check ins from the Wellbeing team.
Targeted support- Some children might require 1:1 targeted support such as draw and talk, therapeutic play or bereavement counselling. These interventions will be delivered by Mrs Cullinane.
Referrals to outside agencies- Sometimes children need more specialised support than we can offer them. In these cases, we will refer a child (with the parent/ carers consent) to an agency such as Community Health and Wellbeing Service (CHEWS) and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
If you are concerned about your child’s mental wellbeing, please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of the wellbeing Team.
Further mental Health support, you may find these websites helpful:
Bexley Urgent Mental Health Helpline:
Tel: 0800 330 8590
Bexley Crisis Café